Searching for Events


Use this dialog to find an event. The following fields are available:


Search for the word(s)

Search all events for these words. The search is case insensitive.  You can use the special search string: * as a wildcard search to find everything.


Choose which fields of an event should be searched. The searched for word(s) must be present in one of the specified fields in order to be displayed


Date range to search. Search is inclusive of the beginning and ending dates.


Whether to search only the displayed events or all events.  See the top level Include menu for control over what events are displayed.  When "all occurrences" is selected the search results will list every occurence of any found events within the search date range.  When "all occurrences" is not selected the search results will list only the first occurence of any found events within the search date range.


Opens the Advanced Search In Options dialog where you can choose whether to filter the search results by acknowledgment status (whether or not the event has been completed).  By default, both acknowledged and un-acknowledged events are displayed, but you can choose to filter by acknowledgment status in this dialog.


Specify your search criteria and then choose the "Find" button. Click on any found event displayed in the list to move the calendar to that date.  Double click on the event to edit it.  Right mouse click on it to perform a variety of operations on that event occurrence.


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