Running Tasks


Remind-Me can run any desired task at the alarm time.  Specify the job to run under the "Task" tab in the event editor.  Browse to the program you want to run, or type in any command as you wish to run.  Examples include:


C:\Users\Mark\Documents\My Google Gadgets\Read Me.txt

C:\Program Files\Safe Data Backup\DBack.exe


You can type any program name, or a document that is associated with a program.  You can also type web addresses.  If the document or program is in your default search path, you do not need to specify the full path.



By default, Remind-Me launches the specified task using the Windows shell.  If you need to use program arguments, you can have Remind-Me launch the task as a command line instead.  The option to run tasks as a command line is set through a registry option.  Use 'regedit' to set a value in the key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Remind-Me\CurrentVersion\startup

In this key, create a string value named:


and set it to a value of "1" (without the double quotes).


When using this registry option you must always start the command with the program you want to run, and then any optional arguments.  For example:

notepad.exe "C:\Users\Mark\Documents\My Google Gadgets\Read Me.txt"

"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

"C:\Program Files\Safe Data Backup\DBack.exe" /hidden

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