Simple MAPI


When sending your remote backup via e-mail or e-mailing job results, you can choose to use a "MAPI Client".  Most common e-mail programs support Simple MAPI.  Here are some instructions for properly configuring some of the more common e-mail clients. Note, this list is not all-inclusive, it only covers some e-mail clients.  Any e-mail client that supports Simple MAPI should work.


America Online:
You must be using AOL 7.0 or later.  Earlier versions did not support Simple MAPI.


AOL 7.0 or 8.0

  1. Go to the keyword "Preferences"
  2. Click on the "Association" link to make AOL your default email client

AOL 9.0

  1. Click the "Settings" button on the toolbar
  2. Click the "A-Z" tab
  3. Click the "AOL as Default" link
  4. Click OK


Outlook or Outlook Express:
Configure these e-mail clients from within the Control Panel in Windows:

  1. From the "Start" menu on your desktop, open up the "Control Panel".  Select "Internet Options" and then the "Programs" tab
  2. Under the "E-mail" option choose your desired default e-mail client
  3. Click OK

Netscape Messenger:

  1. From within Messenger choose the "Edit / Preferences..." menu item
  2. Under the "Mail & Newsgroups" category, turn on the option:  "Use Netscape Mail as the default mail application"


  1. From within Eudora choose the "Tools / Options..." menu item
  2. Choose the MAPI category and set Use Eudora MAPI Server to "Always"
  3. After this, check to make sure that Eudora is assigned as the default e-mail program in Control Panel, as described in the Outlook section above.

Comments for America Online and Netscape Users:
Some versions of AOL/Netscape do not interpret the MAPI address field correctly. When this happens you will see a "SMTP:" at the beginning of the e-mail address. To fix this you can turn on the option My MAPI Client is Netscape or AOL in the E-Mail dialog.

See Also

Backup Configurations - Advanced Properties

Remote Backup via E-Mail

E-mail Job Results


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