Email Configuration


This dialog is available by selecting the Configure... button in the email section of the Alarm Task Properties dialog.  Active To-Do List can either use your current default email client, or it can send the emails directly to your mail server itself.  Choose one of these 2 options for sending email alarms:


Use Default Email Client (MAPI)

This sending method requires a MAPI compliant e-mail client, such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape, etc.


Netscape and America Online have different implementations of MAPI, so if you are using either of these, check the My Email Client is Netscape or AOL option.  If your MAPI client requires a profile to log on, enter the username and password here.  Otherwise, leave these fields empty.  If you don't know if you use a profile, just leave these fields blank.


Special Note if Using AOL:  In order to set up AOL as your default email client you must go into the AOL software and enable it there.  You must be using AOL 7.0 or later.  Here are the instructions for making AOL your default email client:
  AOL 7.0 or 8.0
  1. Go to the keyword "Preferences".
  2. Click on the "Association" link to make AOL your default email client.
  AOL 9.0
  1. Click the "Settings" button on the toolbar.
  2. Click the "A-Z" tab.
  3. Click the "AOL as Default" link.
  4. Click OK

Send Directly to Mail Server

Choosing this sending method will enable Active To-Do List to send the email directly to your outgoing mail server (SMTP).  With this option selected, no other software is required, as it is with the above method.


Enter your mail server's name, your email address, and the authentication details.  Most SMTP mail servers use the default port (25), but you can inform Active To-Do List to use a different port if necessary.

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