Handy Address Book
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Revision History

When you purchase a Handy license you receive free updates for 1 year from the date of your purchase.  If you would like to use a version released after 1 year you may upgrade at a reduced rate.  To find your purchase date look in Handy under "Help / About...".  The release dates for each version are shown below.  You can download an older version for your license.

March 8, 2025 version 11.3:

  • In the "Find Addresses" dialog box you can now control whether the search is only within the currently displayed contacts, or all contacts.  See the new "Only Search in Displayed Addresses" under the "..." button for advanced options.  When this option is on, searches only look through currently displayed contacts, based on any current alphabet/category filter.  When off, searches look through all contacts, ignoring any alphabet/category filter.  Previously, all contacts were always searched.  Non-displayed "Private" contacts are still never included in search results.  Turning on this option can prevent alphabet/category filters from being forced off to display found contacts not being displayed.
  • Added new right mouse menu commands in the "Web Page Address" edit box to insert "https://" or "http://" to make it easier to enter complete web addresses, enabling automatic hyperlinking
  • Fixed issue when selecting multiple contacts in the Find dialog.  Selecting a large quantity of contacts in the search results would take a very long time to select in the main list.
  • Fixed issue in "Find" dialog box where the "Close" button wasn't properly becoming the default button after doing a search.  The dialog is designed so you can type a search string, hit "Enter" to do the search, select the desired result, and hit "Enter" again to close the dialog box.
  • Updated all Google API libraries to the latest versions

January 29, 2024 version 11.2:

  • Made the labels for "Online" services (default/previously: Skype and IM) user-adjustable under "File / Options... / Labels"
  • Added a "Reset Defaults" button to the "File / Options... / Labels" dialog
  • Added a "Paste" menu command to the right mouse popup menu for the right side of the Details window (where the notes are shown) when the "Notes Can Be Edited In Main Window" option is on
  • Increased the maximum note size from 32K to 1M when editing in the main window.  It was already 1M when editing in the address editor, now both methods support 1M characters.
  • Added a new option to automatically notify you when there is a new version available.  You can control if and how often checks are performed.  See "File / Options... / Options / New Version Check:".
  • Improved setup program to add an option to launch program once complete
  • Updated all Google API libraries to the latest versions and also updated targeted .NET Framework to 4.6.2, was previously using no longer supported 4.5
  • When switching from a shared to local book, remove the "File / Check Server For Updates" menu command if it was present before

March 7, 2023 version 11.1:

  • Bug fix: The current age of birthdays and anniversaries was not always correct
  • Updated all Google API libraries to the latest versions

February 21, 2023 version 11.0:

  • Added the ability to filter by category when syncing with Google.  Can either sync all contacts, only those in selected categories, or those not in selected categories.  See "File / Options... / Sync / Advanced... / Category Filter...".
  • Made it optional to enter a year for birthday and anniversary.  Useful when you don't know, or want to record, the year, but do want to record the month/day.  See the new "No Year" options in the Address Editor dialog, under the Details tab next to Birthday/Anniversary.
  • Added the ability to resize the left/right sides of the details display area on the main window.  Click/drag the vertical divider between the 2 sides to resize.
  • Added the option to double click on either the horizontal divider between the List/Detail sections or the vertical divider between the 2 Detail panes to reset them to their default positions
  • Updated all Google API libraries to the latest versions

May 7, 2022 version 10.0:

  • Updated for Windows 11 compatibility
  • Added an option to show the password when entering it.  See the new "Show Password" button next to password entry boxes.  Helpful when debugging password issues.
  • Improved vCard support.  Improved importing to prevent errors with extra carriage returns in vCard file.  Also, when vCard file contains multiple contacts it no longer stops at the first failed contact.
  • Updated all Google API libraries to the latest versions
  • Eliminated buttons to make Handy the vCard and .ABK file handler.  Handled through Windows settings now.

January 10, 2022 version 9.10:

  • Added a check and error message when adding too many categories to a contact.  Category string is limited to 255 characters, so the total length of all category names assigned cannot exceed this length.
  • Fixed issue with the Google Sync Add-on. Handy edited contact could create extra "r" characters at the end of each line in the notes when synced to iOS
  • Updated all Google API libraries to the latest versions

July 7, 2021 version 9.9:

  • Fixed issue with the Google Sync Add-on

July 3, 2021 version 9.8:

  • Reliability and status update improvements to the Google Sync Add-on
  • The Open and Save dialog boxes were not always displaying the new explorer style

June 29, 2021 version 9.7:

  • Updated the Google Sync Add-on to utilize Google's newer "People API" instead of the "Contacts API" which is being phased out by Google.  Please note, the first time you do a sync with this new version your web browser will open up and Google will prompt you to give Handy permission to access your contacts.  (more info)

April 15, 2021 version 9.6:

  • Changed the action when double clicking on regular, non-hyperlinked text in the Details windows.  Now, when double clicking on regular text the word is selected.  If you double click on an empty area, the contact is opened in the address editor.  Previously the address editor was always opened when double clicking on regular text.  This change is designed to make it easier to copy text out of the Details windows.
  • Improved the formatting of non-US addresses
  • Added links to the "About..." and "Register..." dialog boxes to make upgrading an old license easier
  • Updated Google Sync library to latest version

October 23, 2020 version 9.5:

  • Added the option to choose the size for dialog boxes throughout the program.  See "File / Options... / Options / Dialog Boxes Size" to choose between Standard, Large, or X-Large.

December 18, 2019 version 9.4:

  • Improved the "Insert File Link..." feature to support spaces in paths or filenames

December 12, 2019 version 9.3:

  • Added ability to link a contact to any number of files in the Notes section.  Can be useful to associate files with a contact, and easily access these files.  To insert a file link, right mouse click on the Notes and choose the new "Insert File Link..." command.  To quickly open this file in the associated app, double click on the link in the Notes section.
  • Added BOOKFILENAME_NOEXT as another optional field to include in headers/footers of print jobs.  This field prints the filename of the address book, without the .abk extension, for a cleaner look on printouts.
  • Improved importing from vcard files for greater compatibility
  • Updated JSON library to latest version for syncing with Google

February 20, 2019 version 9.2:

  • Added option to choose different alphabet filter button sizes.  See "File / Options... / Options / Alphabet Filter Button Size".  Button sizes can be <Automatic>, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, or Very Large.
  • Added popup menu when right mouse clicking on alphabet bar to customize options

February 15, 2019 version 9.1:

  • Added support for high resolution (DPI) displays, so the display is always crips/clear for any resolution.  Previously the window could be scaled by Windows when the display scale was >100%, causing a blurred appearance.
  • Added option to choose different toolbar button sizes.  See "File / Options... / Toolbar / Button Size".  Button sizes can be <Automatic>, Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large.
  • Added new "File / Save As..." menu command to make it easier to save a book to a new filename
  • Updated quality of displayed images throughout the program for improved appearance
  • Updated Google API library to latest version for syncing with Google
  • Made it easier to view and assign your location information in Windows.  Handy uses your country and area code for defaults when creating new contacts, formatting phone numbers, and for dialing.  See "File / Options... / Options / Default Country/Area Code" to view or change your location.  Also added ability to set the location from the startup warning dialog that is displayed if you don't have a location defined in Windows.
  • Improved toolbar display in Print Preview window, so it doesn't flicker when scrolling through pages
  • Added product release date in About... dialog
  • Dropped support for XP and Vista.  Supported versions of Windows are 7, 8, and 10.

June 5, 2018 version 9.0:

  • Improved the toolbar by making it user-adjustable.  You can now add/remove buttons for a variety of commonly used commands.  You can also control the appearance of the button, including whether text labels are shown on the buttons.  Right mouse click on the toolbar and choose "Customize..." or select "File / Options... / Toolbar".
  • Increased number of custom fields from 4 to 8.  8 are available in a local book, or in a shared book when using Handy Address Book Server 4.0 or later.
  • Google sync improvement: Allow duplicate group/labels on Google's end.  Previously sync would fail if there were any duplicate group names.
  • Improved several dialog displays to include the icon in title bar for better association/appearance (Find, Category Filter, and View List Columns dialogs)
  • Improved vCard support.  Both importing and exporting of vCards (VCF file) support categories now.
  • Improved error message when opening a file of un-supported version to display information about version in use, etc to be more clear
  • Bug fix: Changing open book was not re-drawing list column labels to honor new book's custom label names (File / Options... / Labels)
  • Bug fix: If you printed and chose to print "Specified Page(s):" the program could hang in some cases

August 7, 2017 version 8.3:

  • Made several of the dialog boxes re-sizable.  This includes the Find, Category Filter, and List View Columns dialog boxes.  Makes using these dialogs easier.
  • Improved reading of license key.  Licenses sent by email can become mangled, and this fix makes entering the license key more robust.
  • Bug fix: Program could crash upon startup

January 23, 2017 version 8.2:

  • Built with latest compiler for improved security/speed
  • Improved Google Sync reliability (Google "Invalid updated-min error")
  • Improved error reporting for failed MAPI email send
  • Fixed issue where some dialogs would be sized incorrectly, and thus cropped on certain systems

May 6, 2016 version 8.1:

  • Print Preview window shows the current page number being previewed, as well as the total number of pages in the print job when displaying multi-page print jobs
  • Added an option to print an image to the left of the return address on envelopes.  See "File / Page Setup / Envelope Style... / Return Address / Image..." to enable this option and choose an image file to display.
  • Updated toolbar icons for more modern look (both main window and print preview toolbars)
  • Updated the program's icon for more modern look and support for larger views
  • Improved Google Sync reliability
  • Program speed improvements
  • Added a "Clockwise" rotation option for the envelope feed method when feeding envelope from the narrow end.  See "File / Page Setup / Envelope Style... / Feed Method".  Previously rotation always was counter clockwise.  User has control now.
  • Changed Google Maps to open with HTTPS instead of HTTP
  • Removed icons from Options... dialog
  • Fixed envelope printing issue that could cause return address cropping when printing with the "Printer Requires Paper Size Exactly Match Envelope Size" option checked
  • Fixed issue with right mouse menu sometimes coming up incorrectly, or more than once
  • Removed Yahoo as an option for map server, no longer works.

July 31, 2015 version 8.0:

  • Updated for Windows 10.  Supported operating systems now include Windows XP through Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit).

May 27, 2015 version 7.7:

  • Update for Google Sync feature required for a change with Google contacts.  Removed "password" authentication method.  Must now use the "access code" method.  See "File / Options... / Sync" to obtain and set up an access code.
  • Fixed problem where the main window could sometimes start off the screen

March 7, 2015 version 7.6:

  • Bug fix: "Booklet" and "Small Book" printing styles could sometimes omit a line at the end of a column when printing without footers
  • Improved reliability of the installation program

November 25, 2014 version 7.5:

  • Bug fix: License key would not be remembered when running in Portable mode

November 22, 2014 version 7.4:

  • Added current "Age" for both the "Birthday" and "Anniversary" dates in the Details view and Details printout.  Actual dates are also still shown, just added current age to display.
  • When selecting to print "Specified Pages", value defaults to "1", instead of blank, which isn't a valid entry

October 13, 2014 version 7.3:

  • Added "Advanced" mode to allow customizing text on labels and delivery address for envelopes.  Advanced mode allows typing any text and inserting fields anywhere in the text.  Allows for having multiple fields on the same line.  Prior method is still available also, and called the "Simple" mode.
  • Added a new option on the Print dialog to specify which pages to print.  Choose to print a particular page, multiple pages separated by commas, or a page range separated by a dash.  Convenient when you only need to print certain pages, and not the whole job again.
  • Updated website links to all use HTTPS
  • Added "Copy" button to the call log dialog to copy the full call log to the clipboard in a tab delimited format
  • Google Sync improvement: Added support for authenticating with your Google account via "Access Code".  Offers improved security, as only permissions necessary for syncing with contacts is granted, and it is not necessary to enter your Google password.  Authentication method is an option, so you can use either Access Code or your Google password.  When using the new Access Code authentication method you no longer need to leave "Access for less secure apps" enabled in your Google account's security settings. (sync module 9)
  • Added ability to sync the Web Page Address field in Handy with the URL on Google contacts.  Syncs with the "Home Page" URL in Google contacts. (sync module 9)

May 1, 2014 version 7.2:

  • Added ability to add any image to printed labels
  • Added support for printing contact's photo in the Details print style.  Image size is determined by resolution stored.  See the "Advanced..." button when setting a contact's photo to adjust the stored resolution.
  • Improved .ABK import such that category definitions are also imported
  • In "Booklet" and "Small Book" print styles, if both the "Default" address/email/phone and the specific field assigned as the default were selected for printing, the same field would be printed twice.  Changed this so it now only prints once.
  • Accessibility improvement:  Added keyboard shortcuts for dialing phone numbers and Skype address ("Actions / Dial Phone" menu commands)
  • Updated Google sync to be more robust to server retry requests. (sync module 8)
  • Sync module would crash if it is run when there is no network connection.  Now fails gracefully, reporting an error message. (sync module 8)
  • Improved error handling when syncing with Google and login fails.  More helpful error message than previously shown. (sync module 8)
  • Remember user's preference on photo image resolution.  Previously was always defaulting to 256 x 256, and not remembering user's set preference between sessions.

February 5, 2013 version 7.1:

  • Bug fix: Updating contact's photo on Google would not sync photo to Handy in some cases
  • Changed Google sync so that when a contact's photo cannot be retrieved due to a server error the sync continues on instead of aborting.  The contact photo remains un-changed in this case, and the log file reports details on the error.

January 30, 2013 version 7.0:

  • Added picture support.  An optional picture can be assigned for each contact.  Picture display size and location can be customized in the Details Display options dialog.  Contact's picture syncs with Google when using the Google Sync add-on.
  • Updated for Windows 8 compatibility
  • The Google Sync version is now shown in "Help / About..."
  • Google Sync Bug fix: Displaying an error about duplicate group names on Google would cause the sync operation to abort before giving this error message
  • Google Sync Bug fix: Sync could sometimes fail when the user's long date format in Window's regional settings was set to an unusual value.

August 6, 2012 version 6.0:

  • Added support for Skype.  Can dial any phone number using Skype (or any program that supports the CALLTO protocol).  Use "File / Options... / Modems" and select "Use CALLTO Protocol (e.g., Skype)" to enable Skype dialing.  Renamed ICQ field to "Skype Name" on the "Details" page of the address editor.  Skype dialing can dial any regular phone number or a Skype name.  (more info)
  • Updated the .NET client library for the Google Sync feature (version 2.1, was previously 1.6)
  • Improved labeling of phone number fields for better clarity when printing the Booklet or Small Booklet styles with "Compact" format.  Labels now include first letter of each word of the field's label.  Previously only the first letter of the whole field label was used.
  • Limited the maximum number of characters allowed to be typed into the phone fields to the maximum phone length
  • Changed the minimum list view height to 2 rows.  Previously you could re-size the list view down to height of 0 pixels, which could cause confusion.
  • Bug fix: Syncing a contact to Google that only contained white space would cause an error
  • Bug fix (temporary): When syncing with Google and more than 25 contacts were modified in Google, and you live in a time zone with a positive offset from UTC, the sync would fail.  The temporary work-around enables up to 300 modified contacts.  A permanent fix will require a future update from Google to the .NET client library.
  • Corrected mailing address in online help

September 4, 2011 version 5.5:

  • Added new search option to control whether current selected addresses are kept or cleared between subsequent searches.  In the "Find Addresses" dialog, press the "..." options button and see "Clear Selected Addresses Between Searches".
  • Improved Google sync window so that if Handy is hidden, the sync window is also hidden.  Prevents sync window from appearing while Handy is hidden.
  • Improved vCard importing support.  Added support for reading property grouped items.
  • Bug fix: Opening a server book could cause an error message in some cases
  • Bug fix: Notes changed directly in Details window could not be saved if a Google sync happened while editing

March 9, 2011 version 5.4:

  • Fixed compatibility issue with Windows 7 SP1 that caused the tray icon to not always display

September 7, 2010 version 5.3:

  • Changed list view sort on Birthday and Anniversary to sort by month/day only, not year/month/day.  Makes it more useful for finding upcoming events in the current year.
  • Bug fix: Details printing of multiple pages of notes with word wrap on could sometimes truncate the notes
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when entering or importing a very long 1 line address
  • Bug fix: The drop-down menus in the Address Editor to select address/email/phone types were not working when the Address Editor was opened by right mouse clicking on a contact in the list view, and choosing "Edit...".

August 27, 2010 version 5.2:

  • Handy Address Book to Google Sync Improvements and Bug fixes:
    • Added support for using extended ASCII characters.  Previously, only ASCII characters with values <= 127 were supported.
    • Fix: Non-XML compliant characters anywhere in a contact would cause sync to fail
    • Fix: Trying to update a Google contact that has a Custom field with no label would fail
    • Fix: Option to "Automatically Sync Every X Minutes" was not working
    • Improved syncing algorithm to be faster
    • Improved error reporting to be more user friendly

August 21, 2010 version 5.1:

  • Added support for synchronizing your address book with your mobile phone and your Google account.
  • Improved vCard importing support.  Added support for reading version 3.0 formatted vCard files.
  • Added support for Ctrl+V shortcut to paste when editing notes in the main details window
  • Bug fix: Small Booklet print style was not honoring specified booklet size.  It was always printing the largest booklet that would fit on the specified paper size.
  • Bug fix: Editing notes in the main details window would lock up the program when using a book on the Handy Address Book Server.
  • Other minor improvements

April 23, 2010 version 5.0:

  • Added new "Small Book" print style.  Creates a compact double sided, folded book suitable for carrying around in your wallet or purse.  The pocket book is made by printing both sides of the paper in 2 passes, and then you cut the papers in half, stack them all together, and fold.  Handy walks you through the process when printing.  This new print style offers flexible customization options, including which fields to include in your book, fonts, formatting, and book size.
  • New automatic backup feature.  Backups can be made automatically when the program exits.  You can customize how many backups to keep, and where to store them.  See "File / Options... / Backup".
  • Notes for a contact can be edited directly in the main window.  The right hand side of the Details Window displays the notes, and you can now edit them directly in this window.  Previously you had to open this contact up in the address editor to make changes.  This feature can be enabled/disabled under "File / Options... / Options".
  • When using the Find Addresses command the search text will be highlighted in the Details Windows.  Options are available to enable/disable this highlighting, the highlight color, and whether or not the highlighting remains persistent until the next search.  When the highlighting is set to be persistent, the search text of newly selected contacts continues to be highlighted as you change to any other selected contact.  See the new "..." button in the Find Addresses dialog to adjust these options.
  • New options to have the E-mail commands only copy the address(es) to the clipboard.  Intended to be used with web based e-mail accounts.  Most web based e-mail accounts do not support Simple MAPI, so e-mails cannot be originated from Handy Address Book.  Using this new option allows you to easily copy/paste the e-mail addresses when composing a new e-mail.  See "File / Options... / E-mail" for these new options.  Copying can either include the display name or not, and you can also optionally have a dialog display the details of what has been copied to the clipboard.
  • New "Compact Format" option for the Booklet print style.  When this option is used any phone numbers are printed on the right hand side, instead of on their own lines.  Helps reduce vertical space used, making the book more compact.
  • When adding a new contact that would not be displayed due to current alphabet or category filters, these filters are automatically turned off so that the just entered new contact can be displayed.
  • Importing of a file that is currently opened for edit in another application is now supported.  Previously any file being imported could not be open in another application at the same time.
  • Improved importing from a custom CSV or TXT file.  Import mapping choices made while importing a CSV or TXT file are remembered from your most recent import.  Importing another file with the same fields will cause the field mappings to default to what you used during your last import.
  • Significant speed improvements in exiting the program while using "Portable Mode".
  • Accessibility improvement:  Added support for the context key to bring up the right mouse menus.  In addition to the context key you can also use Shift + F10 to bring up the right mouse menu.
  • Bug fix: Return addresses for the envelope print style were not being stored/recalled properly when running in portable mode.

February 18, 2010 version 4.6:

  • Added new "Portable Mode" so Handy Address Book can be run from a memory stick, allowing you to take your address book(s) with you
  • When an address book is highlighted under the "File / Recent" menu, the full path to that book is displayed in the status bar
  • Updated import template for Palm Desktop to support latest version of that program
  • Bug fix:  List view column data could sometimes be displayed in the wrong columns after re-ordering by drag and drop

December 9, 2009 version 4.5:

  • Fixed issue where desktop and start menu shortcuts would not display the program if it was already running hidden in the tray, was started by the installation program, and the user had UAC turned on.  Issue specific to Vista and Windows 7.

October 26, 2009 version 4.4:

  • Updated for Windows 7 compatibility
  • Bug fix:  Exporting a .ABK file from a server book would export a corrupt book
  • Bug fix:  When opening a corrupt address book file, the program would show an error, and then exit.  Now, it stays open so you can open a different book.

July 13, 2009 version 4.3:

  • Increased default timeouts when communicating with Handy Address Book Server
  • Bug fix:  Corrected problem when talking with Handy Address Book CGI

July 7, 2009 version 4.2:

  • Added the ability to use commas, periods, and space characters in the quick search feature (only when these do not start the quick search string)
  • Bug fix: Fixed a problem with the quick search feature that was inadvertently broke with version 4.1 changes

July 7, 2009 version 4.1:

  • Significant speed improvements, especially noticeable when dealing with larger address books.  Speed of list view improved ~100X in some cases.
  • Significantly improved speed of opening address books from the Handy Address Book Server.  Speed improvements of up to 100X on larger address books.
  • Bug fix: Program could crash in some cases where a large number (but not all) of categories were selected for display

February 2, 2009 version 4.0:

  • Encrypt and password protect address books.  New option saves data in an encrypted format, making Handy Address Book suitable for storing passwords and other sensitive information.  Uses industrial strength AES encryption.  See "File / Options... / Privacy" to enable.
  • Added support for Vista x64 versions of Windows
  • Added ability to put a "Title" on the List, Details, and Booklet printouts.  The title font, color, and contents can all be customized.  Specify the left/center/right title text and optionally add in available fields like page number, book name, etc.
  • Added ability to customize footer text when printing List, Details, and Booklet styles.  New "..." button in the Page Setup dialogs allows you to customize the left/center/right footer text.  Choose from a variety of available fields to insert, such as the page number, book name, etc.
  • Added capability to specify starting row and column when label printing "displayed" or "selected" addresses.  Previously you could only specify the starting position when printing a single label.
  • Added ability to define new, custom, envelope sizes.  See "File / Page Setup / Envelope Style... / Paper / Size / Custom Size...".
  • User specified Delivery and Return address offset preferences are now memorized separately for each envelope size
  • Added new envelope printing option "Printer Requires Paper Size Exactly Match Envelope Size" for printers with a paper size sensor that will only print on exact envelope size specified.  See "File / Page Setup / Envelope Style...".
  • Improved task tray icon robustness.  If Windows Explorer crashes, Handy will replace its icon back into the tray.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Selecting a large number of categories (but not all) for display could cause the program to crash
    • Importing from .ABK files when "Ignore Duplicates" was selected was not properly filtering duplicates
    • Publishing to web could cause program to crash under certain conditions

September 3, 2008 version 3.9:

  • Improved Page Setup dialogs
  • Updated Print Preview feature for Vista

May 11, 2008 version 3.8:

  • Updated for Vista SP1 compatibility  (Print Preview feature)

January 29, 2008 version 3.7:
(For licensing purposes the release date of 3.7 remains the same as version 3.5 (November 30, 2007) since this release is strictly a maintenance release.)

  • Bug fix: In some cases when 'publishing' there could be a permission problem writing temporary files when running under Vista

January 1, 2008 version 3.6:
(For licensing purposes the release date of 3.6 remains the same as version 3.5 (November 30, 2007) since this release is strictly a maintenance release.)

  • Bug fix: Booklet printing with 1 column per page and page breaks between alphabet groups would cause the program to hang

November 30, 2007 version 3.5:

  • Added ability to specify fonts and colors for the main list view under "File / Options... / List Display...".  Colors can be set independently between even and odd rows to help make reading across a row easier.
  • Added 'Templates' for saving and recalling multiple list view settings.  Save a new template by right mouse clicking on the list view header.  To restore a previously saved template right mouse click on the list view header, and choose the template to restore.  [more info]
  • Added option to customize which fields (and their order) are displayed in the "Find" dialog.  Right mouse click on the list view in this dialog to customize.
  • Bug fix: Print Preview or Print with Booklet style when there was no address selected could crash the program

July 20, 2007 version 3.4:

  • Added "File / Properties..." menu command to display various information on the currently open address book.  Also makes finding and backing up the address book easier.
  • Updated for Windows Vista.  When opening address books located in the Program Files area, address book is copied, and opened from "Documents \ Handy Address Book" area instead.  [more info]
  • Installation program adds shortcut on desktop for easier access
  • Increased size of allowed text in the "Notes" edit box in the Address Editor from 32K to 1M (Win2K and later only)
  • Improved address formatting for New Zealand addresses

July 10, 2007 version 3.3:

  • Added printing options to insert a page break between alphabet groups for the List, Details, and Booklet printing styles.  See Page Setup dialogs.
  • Search results list improved so that multiple selections can be made using Ctrl and Shift keys.  Enables selecting multiple search results in the main list view.
  • Added keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + S) for selecting which address/email/phone field is being edited in the Address Editor dialog
  • Changed default location for new user's address book from installation folder to "My Documents \ Handy Address Book"
  • Bug fix: "Browse..." buttons were not working under Windows 98

April 7, 2007 version 3.2:

  • Bug fix - Program could crash when a contact had a category assignment manually entered that had categories longer than 15 characters

April 7, 2007 version 3.1:

  • Updated for Windows Vista:
    • Fixed several compatibility/display problems under Vista
    • Added support for Vista's "Default Programs" feature.  Use Default Programs to assign Handy to be the default program for vCards (*.vcf) and Handy Address Book files (*.abk).
    • Handy is now supported on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, and Vista.
  • Improved note printing by adding optional word wrap.  When "File / Options... / Options / Word Wrap Notes" option is on, notes longer than one line will be word wrapped when printing Booklet and Details styles.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Program could crash when importing certain files
    • When a contact was assigned to a single category, the category assignment could not be removed using the "Categories..." dialog

December 8, 2006 version 3.0:

  • New "Booklet" printing style
  • Printing option to print all, only even, or only odd pages.  Helpful for doing 2 sided printing.
  • Printing option to print multiple copies at once
  • Ability to define your own custom labels for printing
  • Option to choose which fields are printed with the envelope printing style
  • Store multiple return addresses for the envelope printing style
  • Export field order and selection status are now memorized and initialized as defaults for subsequent exports
  • Minor bug fixes and online help updates

July 20, 2006 version 2.2:

  • Word Wrap option for the Notes field in the address editor and in the details view
  • Alphabet filter option to filter on Name, Company, or either one
  • New installation program
  • Improved import wizard  by displaying a progress bar during import
  • Minor bug fixes and online help updates

September 24, 2005 version 2.1:

  • Removed option to overwrite an address book that couldn't be opened because it was created with a future version of Handy.  (Attempting to help prevent accidental data loss.)
  • Improved appearance of installation program
  • Bug fixes:
    • When using shared address books the "File / New..." command was not initiating a logon, so if you weren't already logged on the shared option was always disabled.
    • Program could crash under some circumstances when publishing to the web

July 31, 2005 version 2.0:

  • Networkable (shared) address books.  You can now optionally share address books among multiple users.  Assign varying levels of permissions for different users.  Each user can have None, View, Add, Edit, or Admin permissions.  In order to share address books you must be using the new Handy Server.  This is an optional separate program, that also enables you to work with your address books using a web browser.  You can have full access to your address books through either Handy or a web browser when using the Handy Server.  For more information on how to share address books visit the Handy Address Book Server web site, read an overview, or jump straight to the live demo.
  • Added support for maps.google.com as a map server.  See "File / Options.. / Maps" to choose your desired map server.
  • Label printing improvements:
    • Added option to specify offset from left edge. Useful for labels that have decorations.
    • Customize which fields, and their order, are printed on the labels.
  • Added a "Call Log" to track called numbers. See "Actions / Dial Phone / View Call Log...".
  • The number of selected and displayed addresses is shown in the status bar.
  • List view font is now user-adjustable. Right mouse click on the list, and choose "List Font...".
  • When text is selected in the Details window the copy command copies the selected text instead of the whole address.
  • Added right mouse menu to Notes/Web fields in the Address Editor for Cut, Copy, Paste, and Select All.
  • Added option to automatically disconnect modem after X seconds when making a phone call.
  • Added "Prevent Splitting Address Across A Page" option for the "Details" printing style.
  • Categories are now stored within each address book, rather than globally for all address books.
  • Improved appearance; uses Windows XP themes for display when available.
  • Added the following choices for display in the List view or for List printing:
    • Default Street
    • Home Street
    • Business Street
    • Other Street
    • Default City
    • Home City
    • Business City
    • Other City
    • Default State/Province
    • Home State/Province
    • Business State/Province
    • Other State/Province
    • Default ZIP/Postal Code
    • Home ZIP/Postal Code
    • Business ZIP/Postal Code
    • Other ZIP/Postal Code
    • Default Country/Region
    • Home Country/Region
    • Business Country/Region
    • Other Country/Region
    • Last Modified
    • Created
    • Modified By
  • Imported contacts without a specified country/region default to user's own country instead of blank.
  • Bug fix: When using category filtering the "Enter" key stopped working to bring up an address in the editor.
  • Bug fix: Sometimes the "Paper Source" combo box would not be initialized in the Page Setup dialogs.
  • Other minor improvements...

October 30, 2004 version 1.5:

  • Bug fix: Program could crash when editing the Speed Dial list.
  • Bug fix: Selecting/Unselecting many addresses could cause menus to disappear.
  • Bug fix: When importing, the last field on each line was getting imported with a carriage return.

June 30, 2004 version 1.4:

  • Removed our email addresses from documentation, replaced with link to online contact form: www.beiley.com/contact.html.  Attempting to address spam problems.
  • Address book files (*.abk) are associated with Handy during install.  Can now open an address book file by just double clicking on it.
  • Address book files can now be opened from the command line.
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when exporting addresses with long notes.
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when displaying long notes in List.
  • Bug fix: Names with commas wouldn't stay as assigned to name pieces.

February 8, 2004 version 1.3:

  • The Alphabet Bar now scrolls when the window is too small to display the full alphabet.
  • Added option to control behavior of main window's "close" button.  Choose between having program hide to tray or exit.  See "File / Options... / Options / Close Button Hides Program To Tray".
  • Customize field labels for Mailing Addresses, Phone Numbers, E-mail, and the Custom fields. See "File / Options... / Labels".

January 4, 2004 version 1.2:

  • Bug Fix: List style printing would skip addresses under some conditions.
  • Bug Fix: Restart sometimes required after entering registration password in order to enter >30 addresses.

December 13, 2003 version 1.1:

  • Improved error message when no location is defined in Windows. Gives instructions to go into Control Panel / Phone and Modem Options and create a new location.

December 1, 2003 version 1.0 Initial Release

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