Handy Address Book
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Why does Handy tell me my license is invalid when I enter it?

Old versions of Handy Address Book (7.3 and earlier) requested a Name, Serial Number, Purchase Date, and Password.  New versions of Handy only require a license key.  (See this for tips on entering the new license.)  Here are some common problems with getting your old license details entered into Handy:

  1. All fields must be entered exactly as you received.  All fields are case sensitive.
  2. If your purchase date has a leading zero it is also important to enter this.  For example: 01/21/2009 is different than 1/21/2009.
  3. All four digits of the purchase year must be entered
  4. When using copy/paste make sure you are not accidentally pasting a space character at the beginning or end of any license fields
  5. Make sure you are using a version released within 1 year of your purchase date.  If not, you can either upgrade or download an older version.  The release date can be found in the dialog where you enter your license (Help / Enter License Key...).

Please contact us if none of these tips resolve getting your license successfully entered.

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