List Display Options


This dialog is available by selecting the File/Options.../List Display menu command.  This dialog adjusts the fonts and colors used in the main window's list view.  A preview of how the list view will look is displayed in the bottom of this dialog.



Choose the font to be used in the list view.

Odd Row - Text...

Choose the color of the text used when displaying the odd rows of the list view.

Odd Row - Background...

Choose the color for the background of the odd rows of the list view.

Even Row - Text...

Choose the color of the text used when displaying the even rows of the list view.

Even Row - Background...

Choose the color for the background of the even rows of the list view.

Background Color

Choose the background color.  This is the section of the list view where there are no rows/columns to display.

Restore Defaults

Restores all fonts and colors to their defaults.

See Also

Address List View

Startup Options

Modem Options

E-Mail Options

Other Options

Label Options

Publish Options

Map Options

Sharing Options

Privacy Options

Backup Options

Sync Options

Toolbar Options


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